We are a group of handwriting enthusiasts who are looking to provide financial support and the option of working from home to people who aren’t well versed with machine language and are not tech savvy. We plan to provide them with stationery, papers and a book that they can write on for the project they choose. After completion of each project which they choose we pay them for their unique work. We are looking for people with beautiful and elegant handwriting. If you are one of them, then you can reach out to us by sending a message.

Frequently Asked Questions
Novel Writing books is a job that can be done from the comfort of your own home. At your home, you will receive books with an instruction manual. All you have to do now is copy the text as instructed. There will be no editing, modifying, or diagramming. The project will be delivered via courier, and you will be required to send completed work in the same manner.
No, this job does not necessitate the use of a computer. It's a writing job, not a typing job.
Anyone whose handwriting is readable. There aren't any particular criteria.
Not in the least. Everyone has access to it. You have the freedom to work from anywhere in India.
Books that are kind of novel or story books.
To apply, please download the application form here, complete it, and send it to us via WhatsApp or email. WORD and PDF are the two formats available. Use the format that is most convenient for you. You may either fill out the form on your smartphone or print it out and fill it out. Scan it or take a shot with your phone camera and send it to us via email. You can, however, apply online.
After obtaining your entire documentation, we usually deliver work within 2/3 working days.
It counts as one page if you write on one side of the sheet, and it counts as two pages if you write on both sides of the sheet.
Nope! After we finish the book, we will come to your house and pick it up.
The payout mode can be selected on the application form. To get your profits, you can use NEFT/GOOGLE PAY/PHONEPE/NEFT/UPI/e-wallet like PAYTM as a means of payment.
It is requested that these notes be written on loose sheets. Notes on the same topics are taken from various books by various authors. It's easier to revise when it's written on loose pages. So that there is no copyright claim, the gathered notes are altered and re-published under a new title.
You are welcome to participate. We'll deliver the books by courier, and you'll need to submit them by courier once they're finished.
Yes, Obviously, it varies from project to project.
If the parcel get delivered to you at correct 12pm or before 12pm, then that day would be considered as the first day and if you receive it after 12pm, the next day would be considered as your first day.
Your deposit money is non-refundable in such instances.
For the time being, the company is responsible for all writing materials including stationery. However, these materials and transportation fees will be taken from your book payment in the end.
Company in Numbers
Writersskills is a platform to nurture your handwriting skills.If you fit in the criteria,bcz there are opportunities for all:)